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"We're doing God's work." - Dr. Ali Akbar Khan

May 11, 2020 - Buckhannon, WV

Hello, All,

My name is Michael Morehead. You may have heard about me from Asad Khans 'podcast' earlier this week.



First, Asad Derya Khan did not allow me the opportunity to join him for his spontaneous revelation 'podcast' featuring those responsible for the Buckhannon Rag. He has provided his side of the story, but as we all know, there are two sides to every story.

If you gave an hour and a half to Asad earlier this week, I'm asking that you take just a few moments of your time so I can share my side of the Buckhannon Rag story. That's fair, isn't it?

I mean, did anyone else find it strange that Asad announced this podcast less than an hour before it aired? That's never happened before... Why act in such haste to be first? Why be so impulsive?

The largest omission by far yesterday was the lack of someone's identity who played a critical role in the Buckhannon Rag (if it's not obvious by now), Dr. Ali Akbar Khan.

It's obvious why Asad didn't name his father's 'hit lists'. ALL the Rag's artwork and other various contributions made by Ali Khan were not mentioned anywhere in this revelation 'podcast'? And Asad, himself admitted to making all the videos and most of the graphics for the Rag. So, how did the Buckhannon Rag TRULY come to be? Their version is a tad bit skewed but I'm preaching to the choir. They should simply tell the truth now. And nothing but the truth...

Before we get started, ABSOLUTELY, 100%, I have and will provide proof of everything I'm about to divulge. So let's begin.

I just wanted to share a few thoughts with you after the Pros and Khans podcast earlier this week, where Asad Khan loosely and deliberately skewed facts in a malicious attempt to divert attention away from he and his father, essentially throwing all blame on me. Why? Because Robert Gifford had finally realized who was at least partly responsible for the Buckhannon Rag. This was thanks to the 'creative liberties' Asad Khan chose to indulge during his live 'podcasts' (even though I repeatedly advised him not to do so toward the end).

After several of these 'podcasts, Dr. Khan quickly realized that Mr. Gifford was on our heels. He even set up a meeting with Rob one evening at Hartman Plaza in an attempt to see what he knew and to discuss his suspicions. At the same time, the Khans were setting him up; the main objective was to lure Mr. Gifford and obtain his vehicle info for a rag article, which had to be scratched because Mr. Gifford discovered that Asad's girlfriend, Mikayla Dahlager had obtained photos of his vehicle and license plate while he sat distracted with Dr. Khan.

Mr. Gifford, I sat in the same place you were sitting a mere three hours prior, Sir. All four of us were there. All you have to do is subpoena the camera footage from Associated Specialists/ Dr, Ali Khan's office at 2 Hartman Plaza on the 27th of April, 2020 and see for yourself.

Dr. Khan commented on your weight and appearance after your meeting, stating via video chat,"he's grossly obese... the slob even had a dirty shirt on with food stains all over it... he's a year away from a heart attack".

The Khans repeatedly messaged me that evening and essentially harassed me to drive over to Hartman Plaza and take the pictures of Rob's vehicle. Thing is, they didn't tell me that the meeting was set for 8pm until it was too late, so I couldn't participate because I had family obligations.

So what did Asad do? He sent Mikayla Dahlager (his live-in girlfriend and 'co-assistant to Dr. Khan's medical practice and executive producer of Coffee Anyone) to procure the photos because he was afraid that Mr. Gifford could come outside at any moment and recognize him.

The following morning, I got slammed with messages from the Khans about how Rob caught Mikayla taking the photographs by his vehicular camera system. Dr. Khan had to make up an excuse and said that Mikayla was worried about him, strange vehicles had been in the parking lot and other nonsense.

How would I know all of this if the Khans were so innocent and reluctant participants? Dr. Khan was the one who masterminded this brilliant plan! Here's one of the photographs Asad sent me later that evening:

Fast forward a few weeks...

When Mr. Gifford began to finally connect the dots 'vocally' on Dr. Khan and Alison Harrisons' Respect Facebook group (again, thanks to Asad's impulsive and egotistical 'podcast' whims in hopes of becoming a star someday), Dr. Khan deleted the Respect group immediately, sent me a private message stating, "Rob is being rude." and fell silent. But by that point, he had already told Mr. Gifford (or was about to) that the Buckhannon Rag was all me... and they were just 'following along' or whatever nonsense they tried to tell Rob...


Just prior to the Respect group being pulled, Dr. Khan began sending out messages trying to get certain individuals to come out publicly and condemn the Rag, Caiden Cowger and Buckhannon Values... especially since the Rag had just been resurrected. Our last 'real' correspondence was him trying to get me to influence a few very dear friends of ours. He thought I could manipulate these people into condemning the 'nasty' publications publicly with him (as a show of unity), when in fact, the Respect page was merely Dr. Khans front to get close to Mr. Gifford while attempting to distance himself from the Rag.


A lot of friendships developed in that group and it wasn't fair to those people who were members... nearly 300 strong! Dr. Khan never even provided an explanation, let alone an apology for pulling the plug so abruptly without notice. Right before it was pulled, Rob was saying things about the "odd connections" between the Pros and Khans',"Sines in the Trash" bit, directed by Dannie Stiles (I had already removed myself prior to that episode). How convenient for Ali to just bow out like that.

I don't know the extent to which Alison Harrison was involved with the Respect front. That would be a question to ask her or Dr. Khan. I truly don't know and won't assume. I only know that she is the person who let Dr. Khan know where Mr. Gifford was staying (Haskins property). That's how we knew. I don't know Alison nor have we ever met.

Oh, and it was me who sent you the anonymous warning about one of Asad's fake Facebook accounts, Mr. Gifford. By that time, the Khans had already had you "wrapped", as they like to say. Too little, too late on my part. But I meant what I said in that message request.

And by show of hands, how many Khan friends or "assets" received cryptic messages from Dr. Khan and/or Asad the morning of the Rag announcement? I know of a couple. Isn't that odd?


Really? Dr. Khan and Asad are truly innocent in all of this? They create the videos and clipart, yet I'm the villain. From my experience, Ali Khan truly believes he can manipulate anyone, and that includes the mayor. He temporarily succeeded in his ultimate goal of taking down the resistance group on Facebook and making Robert Gifford his friend to achieve it. He always referred to it as "keeping our eyes on the prize" aka shutting down the resistance. Each meeting from very early on would begin and end with Ali saying, "We're doing God's work."

Spend five minutes with the man and you will see his manipulative tactics at play. That's how he's programmed. Honestly, I was always having to play defense with Doc and Derya while I was trying to build the news. Did you all notice the slow updates? That's why!


As a lot of you know, Asad Khan filed pre-candidacy for city council but dropped out of the race due to address discrepancies that were, in fact, true claims initially reported by Caiden Cowger and the Mountaineer Journal (I know, ironic, right?). At the time, the Khans told me it was a false report and Derya had planned to rent an apartment from one of his dad's friends downtown (which I later found out still violates election laws if I'm not mistaken), but the Journal article scared him enough and he backed out of the race fearing the fraud accusations.

Ali Khan kept claiming they were being threatened with their lives because of Caiden Cowger's stories about Asad, and I saw people bullying him on Facebook. So I decided to speak up and asked those people to refrain from bullying this inexperienced teenager who obviously lacked maturity and a 'social filter'. The article and comments are still available at Mountaineer Journal's Facebook page.

And I just have to say this out loud, in case you don't know the Khans, their perception of threats and harassment are not like most people. I've learned that they are ALWAYS over-stated and ALWAYS over-dramatized. Another post on that later this week. Hard lesson learned on my part.

Nonetheless, after I stood up for Asad publicly, the Khans asked if we could meet for coffee and I agreed. This was the first time I ever met them. The meeting occurred at Fish Hawk Acres and I shared with them my Mountaineer News concept. This, our very first meeting lasted nearly four hours. Dale Hawkins and Spike Nesmith were also present.


Our second meeting was conducted in the private confines of Dr. Khan's office at Hartman Plaza with Ali and Asad present. Knowing that I had involved myself in the recent public library debacle where the ACLU was forced to intervene, Dr. Khan asked me if I was aware of the local Ku Klux Klan members who were currently underground and called themselves 'the Resistance'.

I have to admit, given some of the things I had already witnessed in this town, I bought into the fact that there actually could be a local fascist group that were coming after people by making threats, vandalism, etc. Dr. Khan stated that around forty of their members had moved away to Florida and other places over the past few years, but three ring leaders still remained locally and needed to be shut down.

He then proceeded to ask what I thought of creating another website to hit these Ku Klux Klan members and shut them down for good. I thought standing up against this local fascist group sounded like a great idea at the time.


During our second meeting, Dr. Khan wrote something down and slid it across his desk in my direction. A list! A list that includes three names: It reads as follows (he wrote it down on the back of a pharma ad that had been mailed to his office:



1) Rob Gifford - Grand Wizard, (yes, he wrote Grand Wizard)

2) Patty Adams

3) LeVena Gilliam


I also forwarded a copy of the list on February 22, 2020 (the evening of that meeting) to a prominent friend in Weston (native of Buckhannon) and asked if they had ever heard of these people because Dr. Khan had provided the information and stated they were local fascists and needed our help in shutting them down. This was the first time I had ever heard of Robert Gifford. My contact was familiar with those names but knew nothing more.

To this day I still don't know who the women listed are, only that they were placed as second and third in command to Robert Gifford's grand wizardry in the Khans' Klan database. The Khans never followed through with the copy and decided instead to focus solely on Caiden Cowger, Robert Karnes, Shelia Sines, Jack Reger, Robbie Martin and of course, their Grand Wizard.

Michael Shaffer has threatened me and my family multiple times because I simply quoted him verbatim on Facebook. He said he was "a fucking Christian" after calling me a "fucktard." I never even addressed him, only his friend, a former political candidate, who just laughed it off. He also came to my home and threatened me on my property line while my three small children were present. I procured video footage and it's in the possession of the Upshur County Sheriff's Office. They didn't pursue it and stated he was exercising his first amendment rights!

Now you see why he was in the Rag.

The Khans also tried to underhandedly air my Shaffer video on a podcast scheduled with Beth Day a little while back. You will see my name listed but I wasn't a participant. They were upset with me when I refused to allow them to release it publicly. Asad essentially wouldn't let it go. It's my video!


This will be a post for another day, but I feel it important to bring up a few more things here.

The Khans tried to hijack Mountaineer News. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. Just like everything else I can prove it. They were making decisions without my knowledge (let alone my consent) in an effort to stroke Derya's ego (for the lack of a better way of saying it). They were giving things away that weren't theirs to give without even asking me. It's solely my business entity, not theirs. I figured out their scheme as it was happening. I requested that they stop the 'podcast' or I'd let everyone else know everything I knew. I may not have been polite with my request, but it is what it is. They lied about me publicly, period!

Yes, I do have recordings of our meetings and over two-thousand screenshots. Asad accused me of breaching their trust about it on his 'coming out' 'podcast'? Here's the kicker... I even told them that I was recording conversations because that's how I take notes! Same with screenshots! The Khans remember those discussions. Besides, it's not illegal to record meetings, even if they were unaware. I never forced the Khans to say anything.

Asad cannot, nor will he ever be able to prove that I entered this supposed "joint" (bullshit) Facebook account he referred to. There was only ever one IP logged into that account and THAT can be proven. I didn't even know that Asad had created it until after Rob Gifford was connecting the dots. Asad Khan stated publicly that I was the one responsible for anti-political ads... that those were my ideas... that I was stalking people... I can prove otherwise.


Many folks aren't going to be happy with what Dr. Khan has said... Straight out of the horse's mouth, no less! This was the most unforgivable experience I've ever had. So I'd like to return that favor.

Therefore, I've decided to revive the Rag and release the story in its entirety (and others along the way) - piece by piece - post by post.

Audio clips have already been revealed to certain individuals because I know, even today, the doctor is still reaching out to people in a poor effort to cover his ass! I know Ali Khan.

To clarify... Yes, I was one of the contributors to the Buckhannon Rag and I am sorry for participating in this outlandish game WE (The Khans and I) created.

I want to address a few people who were inadvertently involved in all of this, even if they didn't realize it.

Elissa Linger Mills, we've only met twice. Remember the first time at Hartman Plaza out in the Khans lobby during tapings of Coffee Anyone? The Khans had already breached my trust by letting you in on some things 'we' were working on (fool me once,right?). But if you'll recall, the subject of attacking Caiden Cowger's parents came up during that conversation. What did you say? (Paraphrasing) 'It's okay to hit Caiden because he's a big boy and makes his own decisions, but don't go after Rick or Marcella, that would be too far'.

Remember Derya's reactions and him trying talk you into why he thought it was a great idea to go there... how Rick was especially an easy target? If you'll recall, Dr. Khan even chimed in and added... "but they attacked my son." Remember? Be honest! Your honesty is what I love most about you, Elissa! You don't accept any bullshit and call it out when you see it, period. But Derya never went after private citizens nor would he ever? And it wasn't just the Cowger family they went after, that's a proven fact!


How many of you reading this were messaged by the Khans or one of their fake accounts and was asked to share the Rag everywhere? Dean McClain (one of Dr. Khan's fake Facebook accounts) was the first to post it pretty much everywhere. It can all be verified! Jackson Hartman (Asad), Palaysa Dungee (another one of Dr. Khans fake accounts). Why so many fake accounts, guys? Let's subpoena your devices that were provided to you courtesy of Associated Specialists.

And remember when people were calling the Rag out in a private Facebook group and the Khans did a, "fuck it, I'm out" move because not everyone agreed with them? They had some pretty great things to say about those people for calling it out, too. I have no doubt that most, if not all members in that group can verify what I'm saying without any effort on my part. AND they can cooberate stalking posts made by Asad Khan. There was a lot of confusion that evening. The Khans felt that everyone betrayed them because they didn't approve of what we were doing, so the they began making up names for those "liberals who betrayed us."

Again, they did most, if not all of their communications via their work phones. How did they think that was smart?


Robyn Riggs Simons - Why do you think Asad was so quick to have you call Carl Weaver and ambush him on the podcast with Elissa Linger Mills after Carl's first article was released? I have screenshots where Asad sent me messages while he was sitting right there across from you during the show! He was giddy as a school boy, texting that 'I just ambushed Carl Weaver and made him look like the total asshole he is!'. You see, Carl had offended Ali online by making cracks at their Coffee Anyone show. Ali then began claiming that he was threatened with bodily harm and invited Mr. Weaver down to his office to settle the matter. Now, Carl's comment was removed by Facebook for violation of terms, but Ali would never reveal this horrible threat Carl supposedly made. When asked, he would always refuse to divulge it. So, for the sake of expediency), what did Carl Weaver threaten Doc with that day? I guess he'll never tell.


I don't even know these people! But the worst was when Dr. Khan sent me a PM one evening stating that Robyn's daughter (I believe Betsy is her name? I'll check my records) had contacted him urgently, saying that Robyn was going to kill herself because her address was divulged in the Rag articles. I immediately pulled the info because I feared that someone was actually going to take their own life! Dr. Khans response? "Why did you take it down? No!! Just let her do it"! ... I responded with a huge WTF????... He immediately followed up to say that she was just pulling out all of her fingernails due to stress and I should have just left her address up there. I have the screenshots. But yet he had nothing to do with any of this? I didn't even know pulling fingernails out was a thing.

He was so pissed off at me for taking her address down so quickly because I could have exposed him!!! He ended up making an excuse to them, saying he simply sent out some messages and feelers to friends in hopes that they have connections to the Rag... totally a coincidence and a miracle!

Now, let that sink in... He was pissed off that he could have been exposed by my response time after he messaged me that a person was about to kill themselves... ... ... ... ...

This was the moment I should have just walked away. Why I didn't? God only knows. I don't know how Derya felt because we never discussed the incident.

He would always refer to Robyn's house as "the tidy historic house that wins awards where you'll find Rick Edwards living in the garage".

Beth Zickefoose Day, remember the next to last time I saw you... I was offering to assist with your new business venture at no charge... The Khans were continually requesting that you be on Asad's show to bash Shelia and others. Did they ever offer to help you with your business? Or were their dramas the only thing their office had room for (and food to bribe people)?

Do you recall Dr. Khan making the 'Alliance' deal in his office with the exchange of fake money and a fake contract? You were confused, I saw it in your eyes. You were trying to figure out how to pay me $100 cash on the spot at Dr. Khans request, remember? For what, specifically? Simply a whim he had while trying to push the Pros and Khans under the Mountaineer News umbrella, which I never allowed to happen. They think they're that smart!

I know you are a good and honest person and I love you dearly, Beth! I would still like to remain friends. I still want to help you with your business. It's a wonderful concept! I don't even care that you are their friend. I'm not you. I just hope they don't do to you what they've just tried to do to me. I know you truly see it for what it is. And for what it's worth, you were the only person on Earth that the Khans never talked negatively about in my presence.


I'm just getting started here, folks. I plan on taking you through the entire journey of the Buckhannon Rag. This was just the preface and more posts will follow. I accept full responsibility for MY actions and flat out refuse to take the brunt for Ali and Asad Khans actions.

Ultimately, I had truly intended on trying my best to affect change in this community. Many of you know this about me. Things just got out of hand and escalated quickly. It was too easy to go after those who had gone after others. Plain and simple.

I still see lots of people slinging mud. All sides are frustrated. But when things get personal like this, all it does is make things worse. Agreed? That's the lesson I learned here. Negativity doesn't defeat negativity. We need balance, polarity, hell, just everyone get along, would ya? We were no better than Caiden Cowger.

But at least we did save one life with the Rag! That's a fact! So, I guess in a way it did serve a purpose. But it doesn't negate the fact that it still wasn't the right thing to do overall. Regardless of who we felt deserved it or not.

I began this journey thinking we were shutting down some underground Ku-Klux-Klan group. I thought I was among friends... people who made me laugh... a sense of camaraderie. But as the old adage goes... when someone shows you who they truly are... believe them!


Why? Because Asad Khan lied through his teeth about all of this and now he's scrambling!

I just received a temporary protective order from Asad Derya Khan from the Sheriff's office! Where's Doc's? Or would that draw too much attention? My, how quickly that happened! Less than thirty-six hours after defending myself from the Khans' publicly broadcasted lies and now I'm getting served! I was told by all branches of local and county law enforcement that you should delete people on social media and avoid them before a protective order can be filed. Should Asad have still been permitted to peer at my Facebook page before I made it an issue?

UPDATE: Asad unfriended me on Facebook within 20 minutes of the above statement. I had to resort to blocking his mother from my Facebook account. She must have really feared for her son's safety, too, since she still wanted to be 'friends' with me online.

So, the Doc seemingly DOES have a Magistrate in his back pocket! At least he was honest with me about something. Funny, I didn't have the choice to file a complaint via phone like the Khans did. I had to go online, no other options. And my video evidence wasn't even guaranteed to be received via email! Don't get me wrong, procedures may have changed, but it just seems odd.

Trust me when I say I never want to re-enter the Khan bubbles of toxicity ever again! So, no worries there!


Derya has basically said, 'Michael and I did this, but I'm a victim'. That's their argument!! How about they just be men and stop being cowards by taking full responsibility for their actions! I have by admitting my role in all of this, even to local law enforcement. The Cons will more than likely be contacted as well.

It's always good to know which people we can trust in our circles of friends... The Khans aren't those people in any circle. Feel free not to trust me anymore, either. I deserve that. We all betrayed our friends' trust. I DOUBT THE KHANS WILL OWN IT! But they'll have to either way now.

More coming soon! In the meantime...

Thanks for reading... Stay Tuned!


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